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  • Historie

Free chlorine measurement for monitoring water disinfection

Trustable analysis panels for drinking water

Each year, the Basse-Vigneulles plant produces more than 2.3 million m3 of drinking water. The water is taken from the ground water and undergoes the conventional treatment stages: removal of carbon and iron, filtration and disinfection. At the end of the process, the water is disinfected by injecting gaseous chlorine. To optimize the chlorine dosage the plant is equipped with an Endress+Hauser disinfection panel.

Drinking water plant to provide clean potable water

The Syndicat des Eaux de Basse-Vigneulles et Faulquemont based in Moselle, France

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Analysis panels for drinking water disinfection monitoring

The Syndicat des Eaux de Basse-Vigneulles et Faulquemont based in Moselle, France


  • Time saving set-up

  • Pre-installed panel solution ready to use

  • Reliable measured values allow precise dosing of chlorine

Thierry Illy - water treatement units manager at SEBVF in Moselle, France

After several years of operation, we are very pleased with the Endress+Hauser analysis panels measuring the free chlorine and enable us to monitor the disinfection of the potable water in real time.

Thierry Illy, Water treatment Units Manager
The Syndicat des Eaux de Basse-Vigneulles et Faulquemont


Water tower in France

Drinking water reservoir at Redlach

The production of drinking water comprises several treatment steps and is important for safeguarding the health of consumers. Each year, the Basse-Vigneulles plant ensures a continuous flow of drinking water for consumers in 70 communes. Amongst the treatment steps, disinfection is a key part for safe distribution of potable water. Correct dosing the chlorine is a vital parameter in providing high quality water.

Our solution

Endress+Hauser Disinfection panel with Memosens CCS51D and CPS31D for free chlorine measurement

Disinfection panel at Syndicat des Eaux de Basse-Vigneulles et Faulquemont

To monitor the dosing of the chlorine precisely, the water authority has installed several drinking water analysis panels equipped with Memosens CCS51D sensors for measuring free chlorine. These sensors continuously monitor the proportion of chlorine present in the water. Measurements are taken when the water leaves the production plant, and at the Redlach drinking water reservoir and the distribution network, thereby ensuring that the residual effect of the disinfectant continues.

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