Instrumentation for safe and efficient hydrogen compression and transport
Extending compressor lifetime with reliable instrumentation
Process instrumentation for efficient hydrogen compression and transport
High-pressure environments need robust sensors. Hydrogen embrittlement requires specialized materials for accurate measurement and safe operation. Reliable temperature and storage monitoring systems, including pressure, temperature and level sensors, are essential to ensure safe and efficient operation for a cleaner future.
Focus on key process parameters
Mitigate pressure membrane embrittlement
Hydrogen can permeate through sensor materials, causing embrittlement and potential failure. Selecting materials that are resistant to hydrogen embrittlement is crucial for ensuring the longevity and accuracy of pressure sensors.
Flow measurement of liquid hydrogen is severely affected by the presence of entrained gas. Coriolis flow meters with dual frequency technology remain unaffected by such application conditions.
Level sensors must be compatible with cryogenic temperatures and pressures. Specialized materials and designs are required to withstand these extreme conditions and provide accurate level measurements.
Hydrogen pressure measurement with gold-plated membrane
Hydrogen can permeate through many metals, including those used in pressure sensor diaphragms and seals. This can lead to hydrogen-induced cracking, reduced mechanical strength and eventual sensor failure. Endress+Hauser offers pressure sensors with specialized diaphragm materials and plating designed to resist hydrogen permeation and maintain long-term stability in hydrogen-rich environments.
Reliable measurement and high accuracy in hydrogen applications.
Complete portfolio of pressure transmitters available with gold-plating option.
Bluetooth connection for convenient access to the device.
Inteligentní převodník tlaku – jeho stav lze ověřovat bez přerušení procesu
Flow measurement
Measure hydrogen flow accurately
Hydrogen is the lightest gas that exists and at atmospheric conditions it has a density that is 10 times lower than natural gas. Since hydrogen streams have little mass to propagate sound and often exhibit high gas velocities, velocity-based measurement principles struggle to produce repeatable and accurate flow measurement results. Our Coriolis flow meters offer:
Best-in-class turndown for hydrogen flow measurement, gasket-free construction, SIL and Ex for highest safety.
Highest measurement sensitivity to achieve the widest mass flow measurement range.
Superior zero-point stability, can measure hydrogen at low pressure with the lowest measurement error in the market.
Pro kontinuální měření výšky hladiny a rozhraní v kapalinách
Case studies
Discover customer success stories
Úspěšný příběh
Spolehlivý provoz zařízení při výrobě vodíku
Messer vyrábí vodík v parním reformátoru. Zařízení má velké množství ochranných a bezpečnostních zařízení, kde hodnoty tlaku hrají důležitou roli.
Úspěšný příběh
Měření kvality vodíku v reálném čase
Společnost Enapter používá ke stanovení čistoty vyrobeného vodíku optickou analytickou měřicí technologii od společnosti Endress+Hauser. Zjistěte více!
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Discover why we're the right partner for safe and efficient hydrogen compression and transport
Hydrogen - key energy carrier to reach decarbonization goals
Hydrogen is a promising solution for reducing carbon emissions and its infrastructure is developing rapidly. Learn how Endress+Hauser can help achieve sustainability and ensure regulatory compliance.
Vodík nabízí ekologické výhody oproti zemnímu plynu a fosilním palivům – ale má také obtížné vlastnosti. Zjistěte více o požadavcích na bezpečnou přepravu a skladování.
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