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product picture of the overheight detector HISIC450

overheight detector

Overheight detection for vehicles

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Souhrn technické specifikace

  • Measured variables


  • Measuring range

    ≤ 100m for outdoor management

  • Ambient temperature range

    –25 °C ... +55 °C

  • Degree of protection


Oblast použití

The overheight detector monitors the height of vehicles – at tunnel entrances, low underpasses, or low bridges, for example. Reliable stop and alarm signals are activated when a vehicle infringes both photoelectric switches of the HISIC450 and this signal is then combined with traffic data. Even overheight vehicles traveling at speeds of up to 100 km/h are reliably detected. The detector can even cope with difficult weather conditions, i.e., rain, snow, and dust clouds.

  • Overheight detection in front of tunnels and bridges

Device properties:

  • Aluminum enclosure with anti-corrosion coating and high enclosure rating

  • Built-in lens heaters to prevent condensation or icing

  • Weather protection against snow, rain and dust clouds

  • Accessories (weather hood and mounting bracket) made of stainless steel

  • Sensitivity adjustment

  • Insensitive to ambient light


  • Reliable alarm signals – even in nasty weather conditions

  • Reliable detection of overheight vehicles traveling at speeds of up to 100 km/h

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