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Tablet PC Field Xpert SMT77

Field Xpert SMT77

Universal, high-performance tablet PC for device configuration in Ex Zone 1 areas

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Oblast použití

The Field Xpert SMT77 tablet PC for device configuration enables mobile plant asset management in hazardous (Ex Zone 1) and non-hazardous areas. It is suitable for commissioning and maintenance staff to manage Endress+Hauser and third-party field instruments with a digital communication interface.

The touch-enabled tablet PC is designed as a complete solution. It comes with comprehensive pre-installed driver libraries and offers users a modem software user interface to manage instruments throughout the entire life cycle.
Tip: The Netilion Library application is a valuable addition to Field Xpert. Netilion Library stores and manages all documents created with Field Xpert in the Endress+Hauser Cloud. So everything is secure, up-to-date and available everywhere.


  • High-performance, robust tablet for use in Ex Zone 1 areas with a large 10.1" display and a battery runtime of up to 5 hours.

  • Touch-enabled device configuration software for optimized asset management.

  • Direct link to Netilion, Endress+Hauser's IIoT ecosystem.

  • Pre-installed device driver libraries for all of the important industrial protocols.

  • Fast connection to devices with a single click thanks to automatic hardware detection, online application software and DTM/driver update service offer new functionality and maximum security.

  • Integrated Heartbeat Verification incl. PDF documentation.

  • Connection to Endress+Hauser Bluetooth and WLAN devices - perfect for difficult-to-access instruments.

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