Souhrn technické specifikace
Measured variables
CH4, CO, CO2, Corg, HCl, H2O, NH3, NO, NO2, N2O, O2, SO2
Ambient temperature range
+5 °C ... +40 °C
Process temperature
≤ +1,300 °C
Oblast použití
The MCS200HW is a analyzer system for continuous monitoring of up to 10 IR measurement components in flue gases. All parts which touch media are heated above the dew point and therefore protected from corrosion. Internal reference point monitoring allows for a quick check of the measured values with test gases. The web display and the task assistant integrated in the software makes operation very easy. MCS200HW Ex allows reliable emission measurement even in explosion-hazardous areas.
Emission monitoring for waste incineration plants as well as power plants and plants with co-incineration
Measurement of nitrogen oxides in nitric acid plants
Device properties:
Measurement of up to 10 IR components plus O2 and TOC
Wear-free gas distribution through ejector pumps
Reference point monitoring with internal calibration cells
Web server for platform-independent device control
Use of dry test gases for HCl and NH3 Classification for ATEX Zone 2, IIC T3 gb
Only one analyzer necessary for simultaneous monitoring of up to 12 gas components
Convenient, task-oriented operation
Remote access without additional software
High availability due to certified internal third-party monitoring (QAL3) without test gases
High availability due to certified internal third-party monitoring (QAL3) without test gases
Use in explosion-hazardous areas thanks to rugged, pressurized housing
Výběr produktů z řady Xpert
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Specializované produkty
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Výběr produktů FLEX | Technická výkonnost | Jednoduchost |
Výběr produktů z řady Fundamental Pro jednoduché aplikace |
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Výběr produktů z řady Lean Efektivně pokrývejte běžné procesní požadavky |
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Výběr produktů z řady Xpert Zvládněte i ty nejtěžší aplikace |
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Kompetenční brožura (CP)
Emission Monitoring Solutions – broad instrument portfolio and longstanding experience
An overview brochure about emission monitoring, their measuring
principles and technologies, global requirements and services, a
selection guide and the measuring devices at a glanceJazyk:
Velikost souboru:
4.5 MB
Název souboru:
Inovace (IN)
MCS200HW multi-component analyzer system
Proven measuring technology for flue gas monitoring as standard analyzer
cabinet as well as an Ex versionJazyk:
Velikost souboru:
5.8 MB
Název souboru: