For solids and semi-solids analysis, the Raman Rxn-20 probe reigns supreme. Its state-of-the-art, stainless-steel probe design produces representative, focus-free, quantitative Raman measurements. The Rxn-20 probe illuminates a large surface area and eliminates the need to align the probe for surface roughness. It provides heterogenous solids sampling via volumetric analysis, which is highly useful for measuring tablets, capsules, food solids, and polymer beads.
Chemicals: final product quality, blend impurities, crystallinity, raw materials
Polymers: extruded pellet quality, crystallinity, density, raw materials
Ramanova spektroskopie – pokročilá technologie pro optickou analýzu
Zvyšte bezpečnost provozu, zajistěte kvalitu výrobků a optimalizujte řízení. Ramanova spektroskopie měří složení a molekulární strukturu vašich vzorků v reálném čase – z laboratoře přímo do procesu.
Raman downstream process measurement of biosimilars - Alvotech’s testing of the protein purification process during ultrafiltration/diafiltration (UF/DF)
Zvyšte bezpečnost provozu, zajistěte kvalitu výrobků a optimalizujte řízení. Ramanova spektroskopie měří složení a molekulární strukturu vašich vzorků v reálném čase – z laboratoře přímo do procesu.
Design: PVC jacketed, proprietary construction Connections: proprietary electro-optic Temperature: -40 to 70 °C / -40 to 158 °F Lengths available: 3000 mm / 118.12 inch 10000 mm / 393.71 inch 15000 mm /590.56 inch Minimum bend radius: 75 mm / 2.96 inch
Rxn-20 probe (including fiber cable bend radius): 312 mm / 12.29 inch
Raman application guide for the life science industry -
Trusted composition analysis for the life sciences
PU (publikace)
Anglická verze - 04/2022
New version available in English
A guide to our Raman spectroscopy application notes for the Life Science industry (featuring the Raman Rxn2 analyzer, Raman Rxn4 analyzer, Rxn-10 probe, Rxn-20 probe, Rxn-45 probe, Rxn-46 probe, and probe accessory optics (bIO-Optic, Raman single use optic system / SUB, immersion optic, non-contact optic).
Raman spectroscopy food & beverage application guide -
Trusted technology for composition analysis in a laboratory
or process environment
Kompetenční brožura (CP)
Anglická verze - 02/2022
New version available in English
A guide to Raman spectroscopy application notes for the food & beverage industry (featuring studies using the Raman Rxn2 analyzer, Raman Rxn4 analyzer, Rxn-10 probe, Rxn-20 probe, Rxn-45 probe, and the immersion optic and non-contact optic).
Pokračujte ve svém výběru ze všech možných volitelných možností
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