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produktová fotografie digitálního analyzátoru MEAC300

řešení digitálního analyzátoru

Přehledná a nákladově efektivní správa údajů o emisích

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Měřicí / aplikační úloha

Nakonfigurujte stahování CAD výkresů pro tento produkt

  • Měřicí princip

    Emission Data Acquisition and Handling

  • Calculations

    5s value, Average value, Daily average value, Monthly average value, Annual average value, Moving monthly average, Mass emissions, Daily mass emissions, Monthly mass emissions, Annual mass emissions, Daily counter, Monthly counter, Annual counter

  • Ambient temperature range

    +5 °C ... +40 °C

  • Software modules

    Evaluation software variants (parameterization required)
    - “European Power”, version 4.0
    - “European Power and Waste“, version 4.0
    - “Germany CORE/PRIME/PRO“, version 4.2
    Analog data acquisition software (Data acquisition unit (DAE) or field module (FM) required)
    Modbus RTU/TCP data acquisition software master and slave
    Remote access for remote PC (option)
    Central system software via TCP for central PC (option)
    Process image display software (Configuration required)
    Process display (option)
    Manual input (option) 
    MEx automated protocol export to MS Excel (option; Excel template and configuration required)
    MEx configurator (option)
    QAL3 master CUSUM (option)
    GHG master MVO (option)
    Redundancy system software with automated switching (option)
    Workplace server system software (option)
    E-mail alerts (option)
    Analog data output software (Data acquisition unit (DAE) or field module (FM) required)
    Modbus RTU/TCP data output software master and slave (PROFIBUS DP slave via optional converter)
    EFÜ authority connection FTPES (option; only for variant “Germany CORE/PRIME/PRO“)
    Multi-display (option; max. 5 windows)

  • Conformities

    MEAC300 EP:
    EN 14181 (QAL2)
    2010/75/EU (Annex V)
    MEAC300 EPW:
    EN 14181 (QAL2)
    2010/75/EU (Annex V)
    2010/75/EU (Annex VI)
    MEAC300 DE:
    EN 14181 (QAL2)
    BEP 2017

  • I/O interfaces

    - Input: RS-232(-485)/Ethernet (Modbus RTU/TCP, VDI 4201-3)
    - Output: RS-232(-485)/Ethernet (Modbus RTU/TCP)
    DAU Data Acquisition Unit (option; including buffer memory):
    - Input: 80 analog (max.), 256 digital (max.)
    - Output: 32 analog (max.), 96 relays (max.)
    FM Field Module (option):
    - Input: 16 analog (max.), 32 digital (max.)
    - Output: 16 analog (max.), 24 digital (max.)